Need a Lasting Solution for Flat Tires?


Don't sealants make a mess and cause corrosion?

We were anti-sealant for many years, but TireJect's kevlar natural rubber formula changed our mind.

At B T South we started using TireJect in our Service Dept in 2020 and we have found it to almost always be a better solution than a tube. Installing a tube takes more time, costs more in materials, and only fixes the problem once, while TireJect keeps on working to take care of the next puncture.

• It works
• Easy to Install
• Non toxic & water soluble
• Repairs up to 3/8" punctures
• Works on tread, sidewall, bead and rim
• May be used as a fix or as a preventive measure
• Does not deteriorate tire plugs like most competitive products
• Requires only 1/3 as much volume as most competitive products
• 30 oz is enough to treat all four tires in most mowers | 10 oz in rear tires & 5 oz in front tires
• Low volume non corrosive formula doesn't leave you with a big mess later when replacing a worn out tire

• Inexpensive - approximately $45 for the product and install tools for all four tires for a zero turn mower.

Pick some up at the B T South Parts Department

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