What should really matter when selecting a new mower?
Buyers tend to focus on design, performance and initial quality
Of course those things are very important and absolutely should be considered. But what often gets overlooked is the support that will inevitably be required over the long term. If you are buying a mower that you expect to last over the long haul then it is important to deal with a manufacturer that will likely have parts for your mower decades after the purchase. And a dealer that is likely to be around to support you with parts, service and warranty over the long term.
At B T South we see mower owners daily asking if we can match up a part because their nearest dealer is so far away or does not stock parts or the part is no longer available or the manufacturer went out of business. Daily we see mower owners asking if we will please, please work on their mower because the line at their dealer is weeks or sometimes months long. We are usually not in a position to help them because we specialize in servicing the few brands we sell which is the very reason we are able to have the knowledge and parts in stock to service our customers quickly and efficiently. It comes down to not having regrets. Think about the long term and make a purchase that you can look back on many years from now and say "If I had it to do over, I would do it the same."