What is ASAPS

ASAPS (allocated service and priority service) is a service designation that can be applied to specific pieces of equipment. It's available on most of the riding products we sell. It simply assures we will:

1. Allocate Service: Make room for ASAPS equipment even during our shop's busiest season when we may be turning some equipment away.

2. Prioritize Service: Give ASAPS equipment priority over other equipment making it move through our service queue faster.

How fast is the Turn-Around time for ASAPS machines

It varies some with how complex the job is and with the volume of equipment arriving at our service department, but ASAPS usually means a turn around time of Days instead of Weeks.

How / when do I purchase ASAPS

The best time is when you buy the mower. B T South often has it included with the purchase of the mower or for a small additional fee.

Even if ASAPS was not included in your original purchase, you can still add it later.

Can I add ASAPS to a mower not purchased at B T South?

Yes, assuming it is a brand and model that we offer ASAPS on in our store. See the pricing chart below.

The most economical time to buy ASAPS is when it can be combined with a new mower purchase at B T South.

When I purchase ASAPS, does it apply to all of my equipment?

No. ASAPS applies to a specific piece of equipment, not to a customer.

Are all ASAPS machines treated with equal priority

No, our service queue algorithm takes into account ASAPS status as well as other factors, some of which are:

  • The equipment's build quality level (eg. commercial vs mid-grade vs homeowner)
  • How old the machine is and whether it is still in its warranty period
  • How long the machine has been waiting in queue.

Does ASAPS expire

No, Not as long as we remain an authorized dealer / service center for the equipment.

ASAPS Pricing:


TORO Titan
TORO Titan Max
TORO Z-Master 2000
TORO Z-Master 4000
TORO GrandStand
TORO ProLine

SCAG Liberty
SCAG Freedom
SCAG Patriot
SCAG Tiger Cat II
SCAG Cheetah II
SCAG Turf Tiger II

Spartan Shield
Spartan Defender

ASAPS for Life $




There are some models within these categories that we do not sell and do not offer ASAPS.
BTSouth Shop